Legal requirements
Before your marriage can be legally solemnised, there are some legal requirements which must be met. Many of these requirements are explained below. Please feel free to visit the Australian Government's Attorney-General's website for further information.
Notice of Intended Marriage
You and your partner must fill out a Notice of Intended Marriage, also called a NOIM or a Form 13. This needs to be filled in and returned to me at least one month and one day before the day of the marriage ceremony.
I will need to sight original birth certificates for both parties.
If this is not a first marriage for either party, I will also need to sight evidence of previous marriages to determine how they ended. Eg. Divorce, death, nullity. I understand this can be a confronting request, but it is a legal requirement.
Happily ever... Before and after
When you return to me your completed NOIM form, you will be given a brochure titled 'Happily ever...Before and After'. This brochure contains important information for couples planning to marry.
I will also hand you information on relationship services in the local area which may be of interest for you and your partner.
Declaration of no legal impediment to marriage
Before the wedding day, you and your partner will need to complete a 'Declaration of no legal impediment to marriage'.
This is a Statutory Declaration which you will both complete and sign which states that there is no reason why the two of you can not be legally married.
This can be discussed further when we meet to discuss any concerns you may have.
Certificates of Marriage
On your wedding day, you will sign two copies of an 'Official Certificate of Marriage'. This will occur immediately following the solemnisation of your marriage and is required for me to be able to register your marriage.
One copy is posted by me to the NSW Births, Deaths and Marriages Office with all of your relevant paperwork. The second copy is kept in my Marriage Register for 6 years as a record of the marriage.
You will both also sign a 'Certificate of Marriage' at the same time. This certificate is given to you after the ceremony to take home.